Aleksandra Kapetanović - Sélection d’ouvrages et chapitres d'ouvrages

Aleksandra Kapetanović

Ingénieure d'étude


  • Courriel :
  • Adresse : 
    Maison de la Recherche de l'Université Jean Jaurès
    5, Allées A. Machado
    31058 TOULOUSE Cedex 1

Sélection d’ouvrages et chapitres d'ouvrages

  • Čubrović Z, Grgurević J, Lalošević I, Kapetanović A (2020) Prirodno i kulturno-istorijsko područje Kotora na UNESCO-voj listi svjetske baštine [Territoire naturel et culturo-historique de Kotor sur la liste du patrimoine mondiale de l’UNESCO]. EXPEDITIO – Centre pour le développement territorial durable, Kotor
  • Kapetanović A, Gligorić B, Rajić T (2019) Tradicionalna arhitektura na području opština Berane, Petnjica, Andrijevica, Plav i Gusinje [Architecture traditionnelle sur le territoire des municipalités de Berane, Petnjica, Andrijevica, Plav et Gusinje]. Polimski muzej, Regionalna razvojna agencija Bjelasica, Komovi i Prokletije, Berane
  • Laković I (ed) (2017) Katuni Kučke planine: monografija [Katuns dans les montagnes de Kuči: monographies]. Univerzitet Crne Gore, Podgorica
  • Lisavac K, Lalošević I, Kapetanović A, Hadžić L (2016) Tradicionalni drveni prozori u Boki Kotorskoj i njihova restauracija [Fenêtres de bois traditionnels dans les Bouches de Kotor et leur restauration]. EXPEDITIO, Kotor
  • Kapetanović A (ed) (2016) Management Planning of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites - Guidelies for the development, implementation and monitoring of management plans [Planification de la gestion des sites du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO - Lignes directrices pour l'élaboration, la mise en œuvre et le suivi des plans de gestion]. Centre de conservation et d’archéologie du Monténégro, Kotor
  • Cvjetićanin T, Kapetanović A, Mulalić H (2014) Learning Package : Activity 2: Preliminary Investigations to access and identify the most valuable options for the rehabilitation of monument and sites [Module d'apprentissage : Activité 2 : Enquêtes préliminaires pour accéder et identifier les options les plus intéressantes pour la réhabilitation des monuments et des sites]. Regional Cooperation Council, Task force on culture and society secretariat, Cetinje
  • Myteveli J, Rupa M, Kapetanović A (eds) (2012) Prokletije/ Bjeshkët e Nëmuna- Biodiversity and Cultural Heritage [Prokletije/ Bjeshkët e Nëmuna - biodiversité et patrimoine culturel]. SNV - Netherlands Development Organization
  • Lalošević I, Kapetanović A, Gligorić B, Franović J (2009) Kostanjica : prirodno i kulturno nasljeđe [Kostanjica: patrimoine naturel et culturel]. EXPEDITIO, Kotor et Faculté d’Architecture, Podgorica
  • Kapetanović A, Rajić T, Gligorić B (eds) (2009) Medieval Towns of Montenegro [Villes médiévales du Monténégro]. EXPEDITIO, Kotor
  • Kapetanović A, Rajić T, Gligorić B (eds) (2009), Palaces of Boka Kotorska [Palais dans les Bouches de Kotor]. EXPEDITIO, Kotor
  • EXPEDITIO, CHwB (2008) Development of Maintenance Programs and Tools for Historic Building Preservation : Report series No. 5/2007 [Développement de programmes d'entretien et d'outils pour la préservation des bâtiments historiques : série de rapports n° 5/2007]. EXPEDITIO, Kotor and CHwB – Cultural Heritage without Borders, Sarajevo
  • Kapetanović A, Grgurević J, Lalošević I (2006) The Doors in the Traditional Architecture of the Boka Kotorska and Their Conservation [Les portes dans l'architecture traditionnelle des Bouches de Kotor et leur conservation]. EXPEDITIO, Kotor and Svenska Byggnadsvårdsföreningen, Stockholm
  • Kapetanović A, Rajić T, Gligorić B (eds) (2005) Godinje 2005 – arhitektonska radionica [Godinje 2005 - atelier d’architecture]. EXPEDITIO, Kotor
  • EXPEDITIO (2004) Zagora – Ljetna škola arhitekture 2000. godine [Zagora - école d’été de l’architecture]. EXPEDITIO, Kotor
  • EXPEDITIO (1998) Tristo godina samoće [Trois cent ans de solitude]. EXPEDITIO, Podgorica


Selection of books and book chapters

  • Čubrović Z, Grgurević J, Lalošević I, Kapetanović A (2020) Prirodno i kulturno-istorijsko područje Kotora na UNESCO-voj listi svjetske baštine [The Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor on the UNESCO World Heritage List]. EXPEDITIO – Centar za održivi prostorni razvoj, Kotor
  • Kapetanović A, Gligorić B, Rajić T (2019) Tradicionalna arhitektura na području opština Berane, Petnjica, Andrijevica, Plav i Gusinje [Traditional architecture in the area of Berane, Petnjica, Andrijevica, Plav and Gusinje municipalities]. Polimski muzej, Regioalna razvojna agencija Bjelasica, Komovi i Prokletije, Berane
  • Laković I (ed) (2017) Katuni Kučke planine: monografija [Katuni of Kučka mountain: monograph]. Univerzitet Crne Gore, Podgorica
  • Lisavac K, Lalošević I, Kapetanović A, Hadžić L (2016) Tradicionalni drveni prozori u Boki Kotorskoj i njihova restauracija [Traditional wooden windows in Boka Kotorska and their restoration]. EXPEDITIO – Centar za održivi prostorni razvoj, Kotor
  • Kapetanović A (ed) (2016) Management Planning of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites - Guidelies for the development, implementation and monitoring of management plans. Centar za konzervaciju i arheologiju Crne Gore, Kotor
  • Cvjetićanin T, Kapetanović A, Mulalić H (2014) Learning Package : Activity 2: Preliminary Investigations to access and identify the most valuable options for the rehabilitation of monument and sites. Regional Cooperation Council, Task force on culture and society secretariat, Cetinje
  • Myteveli J, Rupa M, Kapetanović A (eds) (2012) Prokletije/ Bjeshkët e Nëmuna- Biodiversity and Cultural Heritage. SNV - Netherlands Development Organization
  • Lalošević I, Kapetanović A, Gligorić B, Franović J (2009) Kostanjica : prirodno i kulturno nasljeđe [Kostanjica: natural and cultural heritage]. EXPEDITIO, Kotor i Arhitektonski fakultet, Podgorica
  • Kapetanović A, Rajić T, Gligorić B (eds) (2009) Medieval Towns of Montenegro. EXPEDITIO - Center for Sustainable Spatial Development, Kotor
  • Kapetanović A, Rajić T, Gligorić B (eds) (2009), Palaces of Boka Kotorska. EXPEDITIO - Center for Sustainable Spatial Development, Kotor
  • EXPEDITIO, CHwB (2008) Development of Maintenance Programs and Tools for Historic Building Preservation : Report series No. 5/2007. EXPEDITIO - Center for Sustainable Spatial Development, Kotor and CHwB – Cultural Heritage without Borders, Sarajevo
  • Kapetanović A, Grgurević J, Lalošević I (2006) The Doors in the Traditional Architecture of the Boka Kotorska and Their Conservation. EXPEDITIO, Kotor and Svenska Byggnadsvårdsföreningen, Stockholm
  • Kapetanović A, Rajić T, Gligorić B (eds) (2005) Godinje 2004 – arhitektonska radionica [Godinje 2004 – architectural workshop]. EXPEDITIO – Centar za održivi prostorni razvoj, Kotor
  • EXPEDITIO (2004) Zagora – Ljetna škola arhitekture 2000. godine [Zagora - Summer School of Architecture in 2000]. EXPEDITIO – Centar za održivi prostorni razvoj, Kotor
  • EXPEDITIO (1998) Tristo godina samoće [Three hundred years of solitude]. EXPEDITIO, Podgorica


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